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Urbanization and Sustainable Development

Ecomodernist Approaches through Efficient Urban Planning and Smart City Technologies Introduction: Urbanization, the increasing concentration of the world's population in urban areas, presents both challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. Ecomodernism encourages the efficient use of resources to decouple human well-being from environmental impact. In the context of urbanization, this involves concentrated human activities and preservation of natural landscapes. This discussion explores how urbanization, guided by efficient urban planning and smart city technologies, can align with ecomodernist ideals, fostering sustainable and resilient urban development . Efficient Urban Planning: Compact Cities: Ecomodernist principles support the idea of compact cities, where urban areas are designed to be dense and efficient. Compact cities reduce the need for extensive land use, limit urban sprawl, and promote walkability. By concentrating human

Pretty feet in summer season you could

Prevent dehydration

Rubbing shoes, especially high heels, ends up in a common and universal evil: dehydration of the feet. To avoid this, in addition to massaging your toes in turn, it is important to use clear nail polish before putting on impossible heels.  fashionbeautypalace

Moisturize your feet daily

Like the rest of your body or face, your feet need hydration, especially in summer. If the skin is not hydrated, it tends to build up and harden, which contributes to a firm and sloppy appearance. What is the best time of day for this ritual? In the evening.  High Nitrogen Fertilizer

Revitalizing massage

We have already said that we need to moisturize the skin of our feet every day, but what if, by moisturizing them, we are performing an effective and relaxing massage? “It's a pleasure you have to do every night when you go to bed to restore volume in the soles of your feet that softens the shock of wearing heels,” explained pedicure guru Bastien Gonzalez a few months ago. “Do this for 20 seconds with a good cream,” he said.  triotechdigital

There are also tricks

There are many special creams for moisturizing your feet, but if you don't have them at home and need an emergency and inexpensive solution, use a smoothing cream or mask that you don't use regularly and apply liberally and deeply to your feet. massage. especially in the driest and hardest parts of the feet. If you also wear cotton socks all night, your foot will be completely hydrated.  computertechreviews

Caring for specific areas

You should not give us a cream once a week or massage them when we have time, if we want to show off beautiful, well-groomed and healthy legs, the care must be constant and regular. “Our body is not protected by calluses, but by the skin,” explained Bastien. "This is why the cornerstone of a night massage shouldhttp:// be to lift the skin a little and massage the area of corns and calluses."   gethealthandbeauty

Refresh your feet several times a day.

In summer, your feet sweat a lot, so you need to wash them very often. But hygiene is just as important as drying: keeping your feet dry will prevent odors and fungal infections. Did you see that there are about 200 different types of fungi on your feet? According to a group of experts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), "These microorganisms spread throughout the body, but when it comes to staying alive, they have their own preferences, and they prefer the heel, nails and toes."


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